Henry Clifford Kinley

Henry Clifford Kinley
Born September 30, 1896
Greenville, KY
Died February 9, 1976
Los Angeles, CA
Resting place Springfield, OH
Known for Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research
Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe
Official IDMR Website

Henry Clifford Kinley (born September 30, 1896 — died February 9, 1976) was the founder and dean Emeritus of the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research for forty-five years. Kinley is the author of illustrative charts and the book Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe. The illustrations and book document his belief that Yahweh-Elohim is the archetype pattern by which every aspect of life, law and matter can be explained and verified. Students of the Institute study these in an effort to gain an understanding of the purpose, pattern and plan of Yahweh-Elohim for themselves and to present the teaching in the simplest manner to others. The principal laws are applied to the various natural sciences, physics, cosmology, ontology, current human events, as well as what is written in the Bible. These fields of study and their co-relationship are made apparent by this archetype providing proof of the existence of Yahweh, humans inseparable relationship with this source, and the operation of a purpose and plan. His followers believe that he was a manifestation of God himself.

==Early Life & Ministry Henry Clifford Kinley was born in Greenville, Kentucky to Ada Luvenia Higgins and George Edward Kinley. After moving to Springfield, Ohio, his father worked as a drayman at Wickham & Chapman Piano Plate Company. He left school during the 6th grade to work at Wickham & Chapman and later became a master molder. Kinley entered the Ohio National Guard during World War I. He also joined the Church of God in Springfield, Ohio. He quickly advanced in the ministry, becoming an assistant pastor and a member of the General Council. He was well-known as a healer, preacher and a "walking bible"; being able to quote any chapter and verse in the Bible. Over the years he became a member of the Masonic Order (3rd Degree) and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Archetype Pattern of the Universe

The Springfield Interdenominational Bible Ecclesia was formed in 1932 in Springfield, Ohio by Henry Clifford Kinley and Carl Franklin Gross. A series of charts were created to illustrate the operation of a single, archetype pattern documented in the Holy Bible and operating throughout history and the sciences.

The first chart was successfully created on a bed sheet in 1932. Kinley named it the Chart on the Pattern or Plan of Salvation (known to the school’s students as the Elementary Chart) and was illustrated according to a threefold pattern containing 10 principle laws and several concurrent cycles. The second chart that was made was entitled Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe, and is also known as the Moses Chart.

Additional charts on chronology, religious and political history, and how man is made in the image and likeness of Elohim were created. All of these charts (and others) are similar to the ones copied and used in all of the schools today. To view the only available video footage of Henry Clifford Kinley explaining this philosophy, go to YouTube Channel: Archetype Pattern.

Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research

On October 11, 1935 the Kinley Divinity School was legally incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the State of Ohio. The Articles of Incorporation listed several trustees and a purpose: "...is not for profit but to promote the cause of the Christian religion; to operate a school to prepare students for the ministry and laymen for scientific study to better understand and serve both God and their fellowmen..." Another name change for the school came in the 1940s while the founder was living in Cincinnati, Ohio. The school was renamed the Kinley Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research, Incorporated and the duties of headquarters was held between those in Springfield and Cincinnati. Several years later, in 1958, after moving to Los Angeles, California for the express purpose of getting the teaching into motion picture, headquarters was moved once again. The school was legally established as a separate organization and renamed the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research. The Kinley Institute was then dissolved in Ohio and all schools became branches of the Institute in California.

Introduction to Divine Metaphysical Philosophy and the Divine Pattern of the Universe, Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley (c.1950s)

Where other philosophies and doctrines tell you to accept their word, believe with unquestioning faith—here you will find the reverse—we say, 'Let us demand proof. Let us question every concept. For how else can we know when we find the true answers to the mystery of mysteries than by receiving concrete verification, irrefutable proof, unerring answers that once and forever dispel all doubt and disbelief?'

The function and motivating purpose of the INSTITUTE OF DIVINE METAPHYSICAL RESEARCH—through our written and spoken word—is to provide every thinking individual everywhere with the ability, the techniques, the methods by which to investigate all evidence, to learn to correctly interpret the intents and meanings, to cut through the chaos, conflict and disorder (be it physical, mental or spiritual); to examine, weigh and evaluate every philosophical and theological precept and concept rampant in the Universe—from whichever pulpit it arises—and measure them against the one, the only Divine Pattern—revealed and manifested and repeated without variation throughout the Dispensations and Ages of Time.

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